Akorn Tech

stop food waste with Akorn

#StopFoodWaste with Akorn!

You can really #stopfoodwaste with Akorn. Food waste reduction efforts are often a case of ‘talk is cheap’ but we actually walk the talk. Would you like to cut your fresh produce loss and waste in half? We do it every day for customers all over the world. Get in touch today!

When others talk the talk, we walk the walk!

The first Peruvian avocados with the all-natural Akorn coating have already reached the European market. Producers, retailers and consumers all win with less waste and better tasting, longer lasting fruit. When others talk the talk we just prefer to walk the walk…. and we are going places! Have questions? Please contact us @info@akorn.tech https://akorn.tech/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/peruvian-avocados.mp4

Akorn is a finalist in 2023 FoodTech 500

We were again recognized as one of the finalists for this year’s #foodtech500! Thank you Forward Fooding for this honor. Contact us if you’d like to see how Akorn brings you the best food technology to extend the shelf life of your fresh produce. Info@akorn.tech #AgTech #Innovation 

Perfect Pear Facts

Akorn Technology, Inc. partnered with Colorado State University and a Washington State pear grower to evaluate the effect of Akorn’s all-natural fruit coating over existing industry practices. 🍐 The results were conclusive: Akorn pears lasted 60% longer! 🙌🏽 An all-natural product with superior performance is the Akorn advantage. 🌟 Learn more about our products at akorn.tech/products-pear

Akorn Receives Prestigious National Science Foundation TECP Award for Innovative Natural Fungicides Platform

 Akorn Technology, a leader in agricultural innovation, is pleased to announce that they have been awarded the prestigious National Science Foundation (NSF) Technology Enhancement for Commercial Partnerships (TECP) award for their groundbreaking post-harvest natural fungicides platform. The award will enable Akorn to deliver a solution to three commercial partners in the U.S., Europe and Africa who are …

Akorn Receives Prestigious National Science Foundation TECP Award for Innovative Natural Fungicides Platform Read More »

Akorn anuncia colaboração estratégica com Sobifruits, exportadora de mangas maduras premium no Peru

Akorn, pioneira em tecnologias inovadoras de revestimento de alimentos, tem o prazer de anunciar sua colaboração estratégica com a Sobifruits, um importante exportador de mangas maduras premium no Peru. Os clientes da Sobifruits na Europa, Ásia e América do Norte desfrutam agora de frutas de qualidade excepcional com vida útil prolongada. O revestimento Akorn NaturalTM …

Akorn anuncia colaboração estratégica com Sobifruits, exportadora de mangas maduras premium no Peru Read More »

Akorn, Líder en Recubrimientos Naturales, Inicia Alianza Estratégica con Sobifruits Exportador Peruano de Mangos Premium

Akorn, pionera en tecnologías innovadoras de recubrimiento de alimentos, se complace en anunciar su colaboración estratégica con Sobifruits, un destacado exportador de mangos maduros premium de Perú. Los clientes de Sobifruits en Europa, Asia y América del Norte ahora disfrutan de fruta de calidad excepcional con una vida útil prolongada. El recubrimiento Akorn Natural™ para mangos extiende …

Akorn, Líder en Recubrimientos Naturales, Inicia Alianza Estratégica con Sobifruits Exportador Peruano de Mangos Premium Read More »

Revolutionizing Peruvian and Global Mango Exports: Akorn’s All-Natural Coating Helps Companies Grow

“By using Akorn coating on our premium ripe mangoes, our markets receive better and more consistently delicious fruit. Overall, using Akorn Natural gives us peace of mind knowing that our ripe mangoes arrive in the most appealing and flavorful condition possible.” says Antonio Caloretti, Operations Manager of SOBIFRUITS S.A.C. Read the Full Press Release here …

Revolutionizing Peruvian and Global Mango Exports: Akorn’s All-Natural Coating Helps Companies Grow Read More »

Igniting Passion for STEM: A Day of Exploration and Hands-On Learning

Akorn Technology, Inc. recently had the pleasure of hosting a group of enthusiastic Berkeley High School students as part of a STEM program aimed at providing exposure to careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The day kicked off with an insightful introduction to the agriculture sector, emphasizing the critical role it plays in our daily lives and …

Igniting Passion for STEM: A Day of Exploration and Hands-On Learning Read More »

Peachy Keen Innovation

Akorn partnered with Colorado State University and a local stone fruit grower to evaluate and compare Akorn’s all-natural fruit coating to the industry standard mineral oil coating on Suncrest peaches. The results were conclusive: Akorn peaches lasted 65% longer than peaches coated with the mineral oil. An all-natural product with superior performance is the Akorn …

Peachy Keen Innovation Read More »

Happy Holidays!

https://akorn.tech/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Holiday-Greetins-2023-compress.mp4 🎄Season’s greetings from Akorn Tech! Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous holiday season filled with success, innovation, and shared moments of celebration. Cheers to a prosperous New Year ahead! 🎉

Ready to Akorn?

Need Akorn? We can’t promise world peace, but we can help your fruits find their inner peace and long life! 🌍🍎✨info@akorn.tech #worldpeace #agtech #sustainability

Akorn apples

Revolutionizing Sustainability: Upcycled Goodness that reduces food waste

Our products are not just all natural, they are also made with upcycled by-products from corn and rice among other good things. We reduce food waste, improve producers’ bottom-lines and deliver fresher, better tasting produce to the end consumers. A win-win-win for the environment, producers and consumers.#sustainability #agtech #foodwaste https://akorn.tech/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/apple-packingline.mp4

No more polyethylene on these mangos!

🥭 Brazilian mangoes receiving Akorn natural treatment before being sent to EU and US. 🌎 No more polyethylene on these babies! 🙌🏽 #agtech #sustainability #foodwaste https://akorn.tech/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/mango-line.mp4

Happy National Apple Month

October is the National Apple Month !🍏🎉 Count on Akorn to provide the most vibrant, mouthwatering apples that’ll make your month-long apple celebration truly delightful! 🍎😋 For more info, contact us at info@akorn.tech #NationalAppleMonth #agtech #sustainability