The Rise of Emerging Avocado-Producing Regions: Opportunities, Challenges, and Akorn’s Role

Avocados, once a niche fruit, have become a global sensation, driving demand to unprecedented heights. As traditional avocado-producing regions like Mexico, California, and Peru face challenges such as climate change, water scarcity, and production insufficient to meet global demand, new regions are emerging as key players in the global avocado market. These emerging regions bring both opportunities and challenges, impacting the avocado industry in ways that could shape its future. Akorn Technology, with its innovative solutions, is poised to play a critical role in this evolving landscape.

Emerging Avocado-Producing Regions

  1. Colombia: Colombia’s avocado production has seen exponential growth, with the country now being one of the top exporters of Hass avocados. The Colombian government has actively promoted avocado cultivation, and the country’s diverse climates allow for year-round production. Proximity to the United States and Europe makes Colombia a competitive player in these markets.
  2. South Africa: South Africa has long produced avocados, but it is now expanding its export markets, particularly targeting Europe and Asia. With a well-established agricultural infrastructure and expertise in avocado cultivation, South Africa is poised to increase its global market share.
  3. Kenya and Tanzania: East Africa has rapidly become one of Africa’s leading avocado export regions, benefiting from its favorable climate and strategic location. With two harvest seasons per year and minimal pesticide use, Kenyan avocados are gaining popularity from Europe to Asia. The government and private sector investments in the avocado industry have further bolstered production, positioning East Africa as a significant global supplier.
  4. Indonesia and Vietnam: Southeast Asia is emerging as a new frontier for avocado production, particularly in Indonesia and Vietnam. These countries have begun cultivating avocados in response to rising global demand and are exploring export opportunities, particularly within Asia.

Implications and Impact

  1. Market Competition: The rise of new avocado-producing regions intensifies competition in the global market. Countries like Mexico and Peru, traditionally dominant in avocado exports, may face challenges from these emerging players. However, increased competition could drive innovation and efficiency across the industry, benefiting consumers through more competitive pricing.
  2. Supply Chain Diversification: The diversification of avocado-producing regions helps mitigate risks associated with relying on a few key suppliers. For example, climatic events or geopolitical issues in one region are less likely to disrupt the global avocado supply if multiple regions are involved in production. This diversification also enables year-round availability of avocados, catering to ever-growing demand.
  3. Sustainability Concerns: As new regions ramp up avocado production, sustainability concerns come to the forefront. Avocado farming can have significant environmental impacts, including deforestation, water usage, and biodiversity loss. Emerging regions must adopt sustainable practices to ensure that avocado cultivation does not come at the expense of the environment. Additionally, integrating natural and eco-friendly solutions like Akorn’s forthcoming fungicide can help mitigate some of these challenges.
  4. Economic Opportunities: For emerging avocado-producing regions, the growth of the avocado industry presents significant economic opportunities. Increased avocado exports can boost rural development, create jobs, and generate foreign exchange earnings. However, these regions must balance economic growth with the need to maintain environmental and social sustainability.
  5. Regulatory and Trade Challenges: As new regions enter the avocado market, they must navigate complex trade regulations and standards. Meeting the stringent phytosanitary and pesticide residue requirements of key markets like the European Union and the United States is essential for success. Emerging producers will need to invest in technology, infrastructure, and training to meet these standards and compete effectively on the global stage.

Akorn’s Role in the Avocado Supply Chain

As the avocado industry expands into new regions, Akorn Technology is uniquely positioned to support growers, packers, and exporters with our cutting-edge, 100% natural solutions. Our forthcoming fungicide product, designed to meet the stringent requirements of global markets, will be a game-changer for emerging and established avocado producers alike.

  1. Enhancing Shelf Life: Akorn’s products can extend the shelf life of avocados, cutting losses during transportation and storage in half.  Three active natural ingredients ensure we deliver a critical range of post-harvest benefits, from reducing ripening speed to delaying color development and minimizing water loss, among other things. This is particularly crucial for new producers in regions like Kenya and Southeast Asia, where long transit times can jeopardize the quality of avocados by the time they reach international markets. Our plug-and-play solutions integrate seamlessly into existing packing lines, making it easy for producers to adopt our technology without disrupting their operations.
  2. Sustainability and Compliance: With increasing regulatory pressures on chemical fungicides, Akorn’s natural solutions offer a sustainable alternative that aligns with global trends towards eco-friendly agriculture. Our products not only help producers meet regulatory requirements but also appeal to consumers who are increasingly conscious of the environmental impact of their food choices.
  3. Reducing Post-Harvest Losses: By minimizing post-harvest losses, Akorn helps producers and exporters maximize their profits. Our technology reduces the likelihood of spoilage during long transits, ensuring that avocados arrive in prime condition. This is especially beneficial for emerging regions looking to establish themselves in competitive markets.
  4. Supporting Market Expansion: As emerging regions seek to expand their avocado exports, Akorn’s solutions can help them achieve a competitive edge. By ensuring consistent quality and longer shelf life, producers can confidently enter new markets and meet the demands of international buyers.


The expansion of avocado production into new regions presents both exciting opportunities and significant challenges for the global avocado industry. As emerging regions like Kenya, Colombia, South Africa, and Southeast Asia increase their market presence, the industry must adapt to evolving market dynamics, sustainability concerns, and regulatory challenges.

For produce suppliers, packers, and exporters, positioning themselves to capitalize on these emerging trends while addressing potential challenges will be crucial to ensuring long-term success. By embracing innovation, sustainable practices, and strategic partnerships with companies like Akorn Technology, the avocado industry can continue to thrive in a rapidly changing global landscape.