Slash Food Supply Chain Losses by 50% with Akorn

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Did you know that one-third of all food produced globally is wasted or lost? That’s enough to feed the world’s hungry people four times over.

At Akorn, our mission is to cut fresh produce losses in the supply chain by 50%, which translates to saving about 250 million tons of food each year.

Our multifunctional edible coatings for fresh produce slow down ripening, reduce moisture loss, and inhibit the growth of microorganisms. This technology can double or even triple the shelf life of most fruits and vegetables, control rot and mold, and reduce the need for chemical fungicides.

With Akorn coatings, producers can reduce losses during extended ocean or ground transport by 50% or more. Consumers benefit from longer-lasting, better-tasting fruits and vegetables.

Join us in revolutionizing the produce industry and making food waste a thing of the past. 


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