Celebrating National Fruits and Veggies Month with Akorn Technology: A Fresh Look at Sustainability

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September is National Fruits and Veggies Month, a time to celebrate the vibrant, diverse, and nutritious produce that sustains us all year long. At Akorn Technology, this month holds special significance as we continue our mission to reduce food waste and extend the shelf life of fresh produce through our natural edible coatings. But more than just a celebration of fruits and vegetables, it’s a moment to spotlight sustainability, health, and the critical role fresh produce plays in global food security.

Why National Fruits and Veggies Month Matters

Fruits and vegetables are essential to a healthy diet, providing essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber that promote overall well-being. Yet, according to the USDA, nearly 30-40% of the food supply in the U.S. is wasted, with fruits and vegetables making up a significant portion of this loss. This not only impacts consumers but also places immense pressure on growers, distributors, and retailers.

That’s why at Akorn, we’re dedicated to creating solutions that keep produce fresh for longer. Our 100% natural edible coatings reduce food loss by extending shelf life, helping both growers and consumers get the most from their harvests and purchases.

Fruits and Veggies: More than Nutrition

September reminds us that fruits and vegetables are not just about nutrition—they are an opportunity to think bigger about food systems and sustainability. As part of the National Fruits and Veggies Month celebration, consider these three key impacts:

  1. Reducing Food Waste: By extending the freshness of produce, we can cut down on food waste both at home and across the supply chain. Akorn’s innovative coatings have been proven to reduce supply chain losses by up to 50%. Imagine what that means for reducing waste and increasing profitability for farmers!

  2. Healthier Communities: Studies consistently show that higher fruit and vegetable intake is linked to better health outcomes. By reducing spoilage, Akorn enables consumers to enjoy fresh, flavorful produce for longer periods, promoting healthier eating habits.

  3. Sustainable Agriculture: Fruits and vegetables that last longer help growers reach wider markets, reducing the pressure on natural resources. With Akorn’s coatings, fruits like mangos, avocados, and apples maintain their quality and freshness even during long transit times, supporting sustainable agriculture practices.

How Akorn Supports Growers and Consumers

Akorn’s focus is to help solve a $150 billion global food waste problem by providing a solution that works for the entire supply chain. From the farmer to the consumer, our edible coatings help fruits and vegetables last longer without relying on synthetic chemicals or single-use plastics, making it an eco-friendly option that aligns with the global shift toward sustainability.

Growers like Blue Skies, a major mango producer in Africa, have seen their supply chain losses drop dramatically—from 54% down to just 18%—saving over $1 million annually thanks to Akorn’s coatings. These results aren’t just numbers—they’re part of a broader movement toward reducing food loss and making fresh produce more accessible.

Celebrating Sustainability with Every Bite

As we celebrate National Fruits and Veggies Month, let’s reflect on how we can make better choices for our health and our planet. Akorn Technology is proud to be part of this movement by helping extend the life of the fruits and vegetables we all depend on.

So, this September, whether you’re enjoying a crisp apple, a ripe mango, or a fresh avocado, remember that with Akorn’s innovations, every bite is a step toward a more sustainable and healthy future.

Take Action:
Join us in celebrating National Fruits and Veggies Month by supporting sustainable practices, reducing food waste, and making fresh produce a staple in your everyday meals. For more information on how Akorn’s edible coatings are transforming the industry, contact us today!

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Hacemos que los buenos alimentos sean, mejores! ™